Sole proprietor has been one of my titles for many years. I am somewhat of an independent sort, so having my own business and being responsible for my own ups and downs has been important to me. There are challenges of running everything by oneself, making all the decisions and doing all the work. One is long term burn out, and another is loneliness and lack of perspective from other people.
Recently I have learned that collaboration with other people in business is so much fun!! I have joined forces with two beautiful and intuitive woman. Isabelle Choiniere-Correa is a clairvoyant tarot reader and Numerologist; Michelle Hobart is a very sensitive Astrologer and Energy Worker; and me, a Life purpose Hand Analyst. We call ourselves the OptiMystics. We each have a prospective from our own modality which is very compatible and supportive of each other’s work. This is a perfect collaboration.
We each continue to promote and grow our own businesses, and even that is enhanced by having each other in our lives. Everything we do together impacts all aspects of our businesses. Sharing the work, having others to brainstorm with, makes such a difference. Talking, laughing, sharing talent and contact lists – creating business under these conditions is so much fun.
I am all for finding compatible people and creating collaborations.